Frequently Asked Questions

Below is an advanced FAQ about more detailed informations concerning the game.

To learn game basics, check the HOW TO PLAY section in game.

Click on play and collect cards of your favorite PornStars. From common to legendary cards, collect 151 cards on each season to unlock their videos.

Cards have different suits from most common to most rare: 
Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Holographic, Spectral and Unique.
Every card also has a rank; from least to most precious : 
D, C, B, A, S

Trade your cards in the market and complete the full collection!

Each card is worth a various amount of points when the player gets them, depending on their suit (from common to unique)
The amount of point is written in the bottom left corner of each card.

When you draw cards the sum of your hand (5 cards) is multiplied by the type of hand you make, the harder the hand type is, the bigger the multiplier is.

You can make various hand types depending on the cards you will draw, you can get a pair, two pair, three of a kind if you get three cards with a matching rank (3 x A Tier for example), a Flush (5 cards of any rank, all from a single suit, for example: 5 blue cards).
All hand types are listed in game if you click on the “?” icon when you draw cards.

(Holographic, spectral and unique cards count as a yellow (legendary) suit.)

The total of all the points a player gets makes their total score.

Players are ranked in various leagues (from iron to master) depending on their total score.

You can join a group of players by entering a guild.
During the weekly guild war, guilds challenge each others to win weekly rewards.
At the end of the season guilds get a treasure chest depending on their seasonal guild ranking.
Join a guild now and get rewards!
More details here

Energy system

  • Players regenerate 1 energy /24 minutes
  • Players can draw 5 cards every 2h00 
  • The default maximum base energy is 10, so players can come back after 4 hours and draw 5 cards twice.

Golden pass

  • Golden Pass allows players to regenerate up to 30 max energy.
  • Golden pass players can come back after 12 hours and draw 5 cards six times!
  • Golden pass also grants daily ressources (gems + coins) and unlock the bonus quests rewards

Silver Pass

The Silver Pass can be dropped randomly in game from time to time and acts  like a Golden Pass but without the bonus quests and daily rewards.

You get the double amount of gems / coins when buying a pack for the first time in the shop. (once per pack per season)

– When a season is over, you cannot play and get cards form this season anymore from the standard spin, but you can get them form boosters available in All-Time mode

– All cards of the ending season are withdrawn form the market and go back to their owners (including points) you cannot sell past season cards at the moment.

– The ranking is stopped and you keep your final rank for this season.
– A new Season starts with new features, a fresh ranking and new cards to  collect!

– You can always see the rankings from previous seasons in the Ranking screen.

– Results from previous season will never move again, if you get cards from previous seasons with boosters, it will update your All-Time score.

-> Gems and rerolls are automatically converted to gold coins. 1 gem = 1 gold coin. 3 rerolls = 1 gold coin. Fresh start for everyone!

Why are ressources converted to gold?

Every season is a fresh start for all players. All scores and ressources (except gold) are back to 0. This is necessary for the health of the game on the long run for various reasons:

  • Current players can have a fresh start and compete on a fresh new season, trying new strategies or making new allies in guilds.
  • New players can have their chance against veterans thanks to a new fresh start.
  • Players cannot stack rewards infinitely and snowball to the point where it kills any competition for new players or for other veterans that have different strategies.
  • The market economy is refreshed, maintaining consistent prices in relation to the current pool of cards available for all players.
  • Helps preventing market manipulation through mass buying and reselling cards.
  • Last but most important, every player plays a season at the maximum of its potential. Not trying to resell a hard earned collection for a potential advantage in the next season, and doing the same thing in the next season, and ending never really play the game.

-Players can now collect cards form previous season in the All-Time mode, (link on the main screen of the game)
– In this mode players can spend gold to buy boosters from the previous seasons of their choice.
– Each booster costs 20 gold and contains 10 cards

– You need 10 identical cards in order to fuse them. When fused, the 10 cards will transform into 1 Crystal card.
– You cannot unfuse or sell a cyrstal card.
– The crystal card unlocks the card ranking, the higher your level on this card, the higher you can get in this card ranking.
– A better ranking will unlock a better multiplier that will be added to your hands. More details here.

When you reroll a slot, you play the slot again to replace what you’ve won with something else.
Rerolls can be earned when playing.

When you play the Casino you have 40% chance to double the card / gem / dust you have won in a slot.
If you lose the initial bet is lost.
You can play Casino on every new slot you played.
(Casino will be discontinued on season 8 but might come back to the game under under a new form.)

When you get an empty slot you don’t win anything. Bad luck :s. Best play is to reroll it.

When you unlock a new card, you get to see it in color, access her stats (if she has any) and view her videos.

When you sell a card, it is listed in the market until someone buys it.

As long as the card is for sale, you no longer get points from it.
If you cancel the sale (from the market) you get the card and the points back.

When the card is sold you can claim the gems from the sale in the courrier (top left icon).

When you sell a card there is a market commission.
You can see how much gems you will get when you put a card for sale.

Sometimes there might be a little delay between the card obtention and the time your points are granted.

The beta, know as Season 0,  was the test season before the Season 1.
You can no longer play it or collect cards from it.

In previous seasons you can get badges by completing various goals in game.
(If you get points from a season related badge, they will count for the related season only.)

On season 8 the badge system evolves in a new achievement system (linked on the player’s collection page).

Each achievement grants one collection level. Each collection level grants +10% TOTAL score. Up to collection level 5 (+50% TOTAL score).
Any achivement can be completed separately from the others.

(Previous seasons won’t be affected by this system)

From the main screen of the game:

Click on the menu at the top right of the screen.

Click on my account

Click on “cancel subscription” at the bottom of the screen

If you play on multiple accounts and trade cards between them it will be detected as a fraudulent action and cards will be seized (removed from your collection)
You can potentially get your account permanently banned as mentionned in our Terms of service.

If you think you’ve lost a card due to a bug, you can force update your collection by clicking 5 times on your score from your collection page in order to recover the lost cards.

If you want to know the detail of your total score (badges/bonuses), copy your collection link (click the dedicated button from your collection page) paste the url in your browser, add &details at the end of the url and press ENTER.
(example: https://play.boobylegends.com/player/?n=40-b3n&details)

In order to check the detail of your total score: copy your collection link (click the dedicated button from your collection page) then paste the url in your browser, type &details at the end of the url and go that url.
(example: https://play.boobylegends.com/player/?n=40-b3n&details)