Guild wars preview

Get the top score with your friends and win the rewards!

Guild wars is a new multiplayer feature coming this season on Booby Legends. Guilds will be able to compete against each others on a weekly basis.

Every draw the player makes during the Guild war will accumulate points for his guild.
Get more points than the opponent guild to win the war!

The winning Guild will get a reward at the end of the weekly guild war. It can be a bag of gems or other ressources depending on the week.
Winning a war also grants Guild ranking points , all guilds will get rewards from the Guilds tournament at the end of the season depending on their Guild rank!

To optimize matchmaking and competition a guild must have a minimum of 5 players to be able to participate in Guild wars. It’s time to team up before the first war starts!

Find more details in the following in game screens.

(The CLASSIC mode visible on the Ranking screen will let players collect cards from previous seasons and should be available during season 5).

Guild wars are currently under developpment and are planned to be released during current season (4).