Following playtests, the crystal multiplier has been modified to be effective when you claim hands only, and not on the whole collection. Check the updated tutorial section
New Crystal card system

You still need 10 cards to get to Level 10 and Crystal your card.
Every card in game has its own ranking.
There are 151 cards ranking.
Each medal you get will grant you a Collection Total score bonus
You can track it in the updated achievements screen
Following playtests, the war multiplier has been modified to be effective when you claim hands only (not on the total war score anymore), and players earn +3% bonus multiplier per claimed hand (not +1% per slot anymore), check the updated tutorial section
New "Guild Wars joined" bonus
- Each guild war you join during a season will grant you +5% guild war score bonus for the current and next wars.
- For example: If this is the 12th war you join this season, you get +60% guild war score bonus for this war.
Multipliers are additive (150% join bonus + 250% slots bonus would make a single multiplier of +400% on your guild war score)
Best luck for the end of the season!
Thank you for playing and supporting the game!
Here’s a bonus gift code 💝😘: